Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day Ten: Our tent rocks!

Maddie was so happy to see her Nana and Papa again!

We spent one of the best night's of our vacation sleeping in the tent! It was the perfect temperature and we could look up to the skies and trees above us as the morning light came in. As soon as Maddie woke up, she said, "Turn light off! Turn light off!"

We had a delicious breakfast of sugary breakfast cereals and then met my parents and Uncle Pete at the Gainesville teaching zoo. We took a fun tour of the animals, an unfortunate number of which were of the bird variety.

These guys live to be 170 years old!

These peacocks were everywhere, even running free in the parking lot.

Then we ate out at a Southern B-B-Q joint and Nathaniel drank a bucket of sweet tea. I was reading the book "Eat This, Not That" and brought it into the restaurant with us. But there was a lot more "Not That" on the menu than there was "Eat This."

Some family came over for dinner and we all stayed up too late! I put the girls down inside and slept with them, which was so lovely and cuddly. Nathaniel said that he had the best night sleep of all of us, sprawled out alone in the tent.


Granny Fricket said...

Pictures, pictures!

Mummy Dearest said...

We miss our Rundles!!

Granny Fricket said...

I hope a tornado didn't get you!

Mummy Dearest said...

ahh, Maddie looks so OLD! Come home now!