Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 3: Charlottesville, VA

Whew.  Yesterday was a long day.  We tried to leave New York in a timely fashion but when we were all packed up and in the car, it was discovered that one very important passenger was missing: Mr. Lion.  Luckily, some men were tearing up carpet in Anna's apartment building and we were able to get back in and search.  But, just like in "Knuffle Bunny," no Mr. Lion did we find.  So Nathaniel decided to look harder and finally Mr. Lion was located: in a cabinet under the kitchen sink.  And so we have a new rule for our road trip: No hiding Mr. Lion.

Unfortunately, Nathaniel did not have his dad here to find forgotten things for him and so our computer charger is still in New Jersey.  Making it slightly harder to blog update.  

Maddie and I are feeling a little better and the weather is fabulous!  We saw green grass and pink and purple buds on the trees!  We shed our layers and lay the baby out in the sun on a blanket.  We stopped about every hour and a half and ran around and ate fruit.  
Nathaniel flaunting the baby's lack of socks despite my socks-on-baby policy
Maddie having so much fun in the sun that I don't care that she's digging in 
poopy dirt with a stick. 

A happy Sonja.  She and Maddie played together soooo nicely at this rest stop while Mommy and Daddy frantically tried to use his iPodTouch, our laptop address book, and our cellphone to arrange delivery of the power cord to Atlanta from New Jersey.

The number one best thing ever is that orange iPod playing pillow we bought at the New Jersey mall for $6.30.  I would like to find the person who invented that thing and give them some brownies. 

On the other hand, whoever invented the sunset and that terrible light squinting in your eyes when your driving down the road at 6:45pm, I'd like to give them a boot in the backside.  We're going to need some sort of Darth Vadar-like black helmet for Maddie if that ever happens again (because of both the sun-keeping-out properties of the helmet as well as what kind of person Maddie becomes: "Sun in eyes!  Sun in eyes!")  

Nathaniel said at one point, "We should be glad when the girls are both crying.  It's more efficient."

When we finally made it to Cathy and Tom's house, the sky was dusky and dinner was on the table and Maddie and Dylan were fast friends.  We had a lovely evening and Cathy made sure I don't have strep throat.  She also recommended a great book to me called "Show me How" and one of the things is how to get rid of monsters.  Apparently you need monster repellent and a trap:

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