Monday, April 6, 2009

Still Day 4: Haven't left yet

Nathaniel has said "No" to Waffle House for breakfast so I think he may be coming down with the cold Maddie and I are successfully fighting off (speaking of which, why don't all tissues come with Vick's VapoRub?)  "No" to Waffle House?  And he mentioned wanting to eat a salad for breakfast-- it must be serious.

So it'll be bagels and then hitting the road.  I'm trying to let the family sleep in a little, since we surely need it.  Hopefully today will be like this.....

Maddie and Sonja holding hands in the backseat. The two of them were laughing their heads off together yesterday on the way to Chipotle for dinner.  Ah, sisters!

.....And we will all have a memorable day in the good kind of way.  Although, I just heard some thunder and that might put a damper on the scampering in the grass that makes driving bearable for little ones.  Luckily, we have a giant red tub in the back of our car to catch the water from the place where our car leaks in the rain.  Oh, yes, thank you red tub!  Oh, curse you, leaky place in the car!

1 comment:

Granny Fricket said...

Thanks for the blog! And it sounds so far like a perfect vacation. At least the girls are too young to fight about "you're on MY side of the seat" like the previous generation of Rundles!