Sunday, November 30, 2008

New, Secret Blog

Four years, two daughters, two graduate degrees, and a log cabin later, the Rundle-McMahon family needs a new blog!  I ran out of memory space on the old one, and who wants to read my blog without seeing pictures of our peanuts?  No one.

Also, I'm hoping to make this blog a bit more not advertised on MySpace and Facebook.

Thanksgiving at the Farm this year was great.  Nathaniel was beside himself over quinoa stuffing (with raisins) so we're going to make our own Thanksgiving dinner sometime in January, but it'll really just be about the stuffing.  And mashed potatoes.  No thankfulness.  Ooooo... and the cranberry sauce!  I'm excited.

The Farm Thanksgiving was beautiful, though.  It actually felt like a community, even though there were more people there that I didn't know and lots of friends gone home to their families.  I gave a McKee School Harvest Report and it was a lot of fun.  Nathaniel sang with the kitchen and Maintenance stole the show!     

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