Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day Eight: Loving life in the ATL

Jenny and Sandy have a beautiful house and adorable doggie named Maddie! Sandy's brother Jon also lives with them and I hope he doesn't mind that our Maddie rearranged his DVD collection this morning.

We're off to the Aquarium and will post pictures later!
Here's Nathaniel recording the global coordinates for where we parked our car into Mrs. GPS so we can walk around Atlanta and still find our way back.

What? That is very specific chiropractic!

The Coco-Cola building is opposite the Aquarium and almost as expensive to tour!
I hear there's a fountain of Coke inside, but that may just be legend.

Finally it feels like we're in the South! The sun is dangerously UV-raying us and the air is humid and the sidewalk is melting our soles.

The aquarium was packed. The highlights for Maddie were: 1) The man in the orange fish costume who hugged her. 2) The whale slide where she came out of the whale's mouth. And 3) the lights on the floor that she could step on instead of looking up at the shark swimming over her head. That's why kids have free admission.
Walking through the tunnel that lets up see up into the huge tank.

Baby Beluga! This was a rescue whale from Mexico and couldn't have been more friendly and sweet. Maddie and I sang to it and she really liked seeing him.

A diver feeding a hungry octopus

We took her home to nap afterward and Sonja and I tried to make it to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Memorial Center but the traffic was against us and Mrs. GPS and I had a falling out and Sonja and I ended up at a RiteAid, buying chocolate.

When we finally got back, everyone was home from work so we went out to Piedmont Park and let Maddie play on the playground while I fed Sonja and the sun set. It was so lovely. There were tons of cute dogs and we got to see some buildings that Sandy had inspected during construction. It was just beautiful and in bloom.

Then we went to dinner at Flying Biscuit and ate some good Southern cooking. I think we're all going to come home 10 pounds heavier (well, maybe not Sonja). We should have gone to bed early but instead we stayed up to watch "3:10 to Yuma" and I painted my nails. I really botched it and ended up with more paint on my toes than my nails. And I chose a hideous color. I'm not meant to do my nails in this life.

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