Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm really digging my 30th year.

It's the best yet.

Is this the peak? Will I spend the rest of my life longing for this time? There's a lot of pressure to fully appreciate how much I have right now, how lucky I am, and how rich my life is. Like, if I don't appreciate what I have enough or take advantage of this golden time, it will be taken away from me. So, there's a good way to glass-is-half-empty the situation.

1 comment:

Mummy Dearest said...

Just imagine: 10 years from now, you'll be watching your girls prepare for being teens... you'll see them get into college... go on adventures.

We have so many adventures in front of us. And when we're old, I HOPE we can sit side by side, drinking a beer in your garage, watching the weather, and just talk about everything we did.